JUMP TOOverviewIntroductionRocket.net APIAuthenticationAuthenticate user and generate JWT tokenpostSitesList sitesgetCreate new sitepostGet information about site from systemgetDelete site from systemdeleteUpdate site properties.patchClone a site (via background task)postList Site locationsgetList Site locations (including restricted)getGet SSO link for wordpress accountgetGet Status of WordPress for the sitegetGet SSO link for phpMyAdmin accountgetCreate new staging site for given site (via background task)postDelete staging site for given site.deletePublish staging site as an active site (via background task)postList Site TasksgetGenerate token valid for accessing site operationspostGet site usage.getGet site settings.getUpdate site settings.patchLock a site so that no modifications can be madepostUnlock a site so that modifications can be made againdeleteGet password and username for site.getExecute cli command on wp installation.postSite TemplatesList Site TemplatesgetCreate new site templatepostGet Site TemplatesgetDelete Site TemplatesdeleteDomainsGet site main domain infogetSet a domain for a SitepostChange main domain validation methodpatchReplace current maindomain with different oneputChange existing prefix for domainpatchForce validation status recheckgetList additional domains (aliases) for the sitegetCreate additional domain.postDelete additional domaindeleteCDN CachePurge files from cache on cloudflarepostPurge all files from single domain from cache on cloudflarepostFTP AccountsList Ftp AccountsgetCreate new ftp accountpostUpdate ftp accountpatchDelete ftp accountdeletePluginsList installed WordPress plugins on accountgetInstall new WordPress plugins to sitepostActivate or deactivate WordPress plugins on given sitepatchUpdate WordPress plugins on given siteputDelete WordPress plugins from given sitedeleteSearch for WordPress plugins that can be installedgetThemesList installed Wordpress themes on accountgetInstall new WordPress themes to sitepostActivate or deactivate WordPress themes on given sitepatchUpdate WordPress themes on given siteputDelete WordPress theme from sitedeleteSearch for WordPress themes that can be installedgetReportingRetrieve CDN requests reportgetRetrieve CDN cache-status reportgetRetrieve CDN cache-content report.getRetrieve cdn cache-top report.getRetrieve cdn visitors report.getRetrieve WAF events source report.getRetrieve WAF firewall events report.getRetrieve WAF events services report.getRetrieve WAF events time report.getList WAF EventsgetGet top usage bandwidth report.getGet usage bandwidth report.getList Access Logsget[Deprecated] List Access LogsgetSSH KeysList SSH keys for given site.getImport SSH key for given site.postDelete SSH key for given site.deleteActivate SSH key for given site.postDeactivate SSH key for given site.postView SSH key info for given site.getVisitorsGet unique visitors statistics for given site.getGet unique visitors statistics for user account.getBandwidthGet bandwidth usage statistics for given site.getGet bandwidth usage statistics for user account.getBackupsCreate a new backup for given site.postGet a list of backups for sitegetDownload given backup for sitegetDelete given backup for site from the system.deleteRestore a backup for given site (via background task)postList automated backupsgetRestore existing automated restore point (via background task)postRestore existing automated restore point databasepostRestore existing automated restore point filespostFilesList Site Filesget[Deprecated] List files in a site installation.getUpload a file to the site installation.postSave contents of a file to the site installation.putDelete file from a site installation.deleteExtract a file.postCompress files or folders.postChange file permissions.patchView contents of a given file.getDownload contents of a given file.getCreate folder in a site installation.postAccountGet user informationgetUpdate user account settingspatchGet unique usage statistics for user account.getGet a cookie to allow for access to billing datapostSet a new password for your accountpostActivityStops events logging.postStarts events logging.postInsert new event into system.postList Activity EventsgetGet event for a site installation with event id.getDelete event from a site installation.deleteSite UsersCreate new site user.postList all the site for user.getReset password for the site user.postUpdate site user.patchCreate first time password for the new site user.postLogin as a site user.postList all the site users for a SitegetSend invite to site user.postAccept invite to site.getAccept invite to site.postRemove site access for site user.deleteSend re-invite to site user.postPassword ProtectionGet site password protection status.getEnable site password protection.postDisable site password protection.deleteList site password protection usersgetAdd site password protection user.postRemove site password protection user.deleteAccount UsersCreate new user who can access your Rocket.net account. An email will be sent for them to set their password.postList all users in your accountgetRemove a User from your accountdeleteGet information about a specific user in your account.getUpdate userpatchRe-send invite email to UserpostCreate first time password for the Account UserpostAccept an invitation to help manage a Rocket.net accountgetPasswordCheck strength of the given password.postCheck strength of the given password.postPowered by Deactivate SSH key for given site.post https://api.rocket.net/v1/sites/{id}/ssh/keys/deauthorizeFor given site deactivate a SSH key.